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Fitness Coach, Martial Arts Coach

I have lived in Brechin all my life and for the past 20 years or so I have been involved in martial arts and general fitness.

I'm currently employed at a local fruit and vegetable merchants and I work within the security sector.

As a child I was very quiet, suffered with social anxiety and confidence issues. As I grew into a young adult this developed into depression and I decided I wished to combat these problems as well as Improve my general health and fitness, so I joined a local Tae Kwon-do club.

I found this to be incredibly helpful as it improved me both mentally and physically. I view this as a huge positive turning point in my life. My general fitness and confidence improved over time, and I began to develop a passion for both martial arts and fitness in general. It was around this time that I started regularly attending classes at my local gym.

My career in tae kwondo progressed and after 5 years I was eventually promoted black belt. Something I remain proud of to this day. I began coaching the children and adults with in the class and I found that passing on the knowledge and skills to other people was highly rewarding. This was something I hoped to do for years to come.

When I was in my early 30s I developed an interest in joining the police force, so in order to gain experience I applied for a college course entitled "Access to Uniformed Services" I found this course to be another huge turning point in my life and found that my physical fitness was increasing further. After completion of the course I applied for the police but was unfortunately unsuccessful, though I did manage obtain a security licence and began employment within that industry, something I still do today.

The college course, however, further fueled my interest in the fitness industry, so i was fortunate enough to be able to return and take part in "NC sports and fitness" and laterly "HNC health and fitness". Both of these courses helped me further my knowledge of fitness and how to teach other people. I feel that I was given a lot or support and tuition from all of the staff involved in these courses. Something I'm highly greatful for.

I currently still train in martial art at 'The Best Defence " in Arbroath, as I am always keen to learn new things. I also train myself regularly with kettlebell routines, Circuits and jogging.

Brechin Community Boxing Club have kindly asked me to become involved within their group , a position that I readily accepted, I hope that with their help I can help people reach their goals and I can help spread awareness of fitness and healthy lifestyle choices within the community.

I strongly believe that taking part in regular fitness activities can help improve mental health along with physical. This is something I have personally experienced and I hope I can help other people.

List of qualifications:

  • 1st degree black belt in ITF Tae Kwon-do

  • ITF Tae Kwon-do instructor

  • Certificate in access to uniformed services

  • NC Sports and Fitness

  • HNC Health Fitness and Exercise

  • Level 2 kettlebells instructor

  • Circuit training coach

  • Level 1 Boxing Scotland Coach

  • Experience with kickboxing, Tactical Edge and Combat Hapkido

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